пятница, 17 апреля 2015 г.

It is interesting!

1.Did you know that most lipstick contains ground up fish scales, called 'pearlesence?'

2.In 16th century Italy, women wore "Chopines," or 6-24 inch platform heels! That must be where Lady Gaga got the idea from!

3.The world’s longest wedding dress has a train that’s 1.85 miles long. It required approximately three miles of taffeta and 18 feet of lace to produce. Crazy.

 4.In the 18th century, even children wore high heels.

 5.The most expensive pair of shoes are the ruby slippers designed by Harry Winston, inspired by the ones Dorothy wore in The Wizard of Oz. They cost a cool $3 million.

 6.The most expensive bra ever made is the Heavenly Star Bra, which was created by Victoria’s Secret in 2001. It’s valued at $12.5 million and has 1,200 Sri Lankan pink sapphires and as its centerpiece a 90-carat emerald-cut diamond worth $10.6 million.

 7.Did you know Barbie has been dressed by designers such as Givenchy, Christian Louboutin, Versace, Dolce & Gabana, Vera Wang and Gucci? Lucky girl!! So there is one girl with more shoes than you! Barbie doll has more than a billion pair of shoes by designers and she had over one hundred new additions to her wardrobe per year!

8.Nowadays, kimonos are worn only in very formal occasions in Japan except by sumo wrestlers, who are required to wear traditional Japanese clothes when in public.

9.Until around the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese culture regarded small feet as beautiful, and it was a common practice to bind women’s feet from an early age to keep their feet small.   This practice was limited to the wealthy, however, as the feet of women who underwent this procedure were so deformed that they had difficulty walking.

10.The skirt is the second oldest piece of clothing, outdated only by the loincloth.

References: http://www.scratchhard.com/about/blog/40-interesting-facts-about-fashion/


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