четверг, 23 апреля 2015 г.

50 shades of Grey

Beautiful Girls Are Having a New Trend On their Hair: The Granny Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend
Young women around the world have gotten fed up with how good older silver vixens can sometimes look with their gray hair and have started dying their hair gray as well. Whether it's an act of jealous appropriation or a tacit nod to the older ladies that know how to rock their silver locks, this gray hair trend has a way of turning heads.
Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend


Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

Grey Hair Trend

At Next Model Management In Miami Beach.

Silver Obsessed

Alice Verde Verde

When a handful of brave ladies started rocking the silver look a couple of years back, there were not many people who thought that the trend would stick around. But by the looks of it, #grannyhair is on fire this year.

It doesn't really matter if you're 19 or 91, silver hair looks gorgeous.
SpbLife.INFO / Афиша / Анонсы / 10 июля 2010 года - Челлендж от V.I.P. RACING - Возвращение Бабушки Фаи

Reference: http://blog.asiantown.net/-/39783/beautiful-girls-are-having-a-new-trend-on-their-hair-the-granny-hair-trend

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